We are more than just delicious soups, salads and sandwiches…

We are on a mission.

The restaurant industry - like the planet - is in crisis. But, instead of ignoring the problem we decided to lean into a way to save both.

We have the experience.

We have the knowledge.

And we have the commitment.

We’re disrupters in a ghost kitchen, a small space purpose-built to produce food specifically for pick up and delivery. We’re driven by passion and a fervent belief that heart is more powerful than bricks and mortar.

So, we’re pioneering and implementing industry-changing baselines and shattering industry norms.

We believe that locally sourced ingredients taste better and form vital bonds with our purveyors.

We believe recycling and composting is the very least we can do to help the planet.

We believe that the person who crafts your Tikka Masala sandwich should be paid $20 per hour and have a stock ownership plan. Because when they earn a living wage, minds normally distracted with worry can focus on creating culinary gifts.

We believe in our people.

We believe in our recipes.

We believe in our ingredients.

We believe in our mission.

And we believe you will, too.

Eat Exalted Sandwich

Make a Difference